Starting: 16th January 2025 | Ending: 20th February 2025
Days & Timings: Thursdays | 11:00 am - 12:45 pm (PKT)
Medium of Instruction: English
Course Fee: PKR 1000 (Full Course)
- To motivate, boost our Iman and to be prepared for the month of Ramadan.
- To be aware of the bounties and favours of Allah and to avail this opportunity to the best to gain the maximum reward.
- To have the knowledge of the authentic way of fasting and worshipping in this month.
Course books:
Sahih Bukhari
Reference Material:
The Book of Fasting by Muhammad Iqbal Kailani
- المعلم: Farida Nazar Kardar

Starting: 17th October 2024 | Ending: 19th December 2024
Days & Timings: Thursday | 11:00 am - 12:40 pm PKT
Medium of Instruction: English
Course Fee: PKR 1500 (Full Course)
- To spread the knowledge and importance of Hadith.
- To help develop the correct concept of Iman through Hadith.
- Role of Hadith in our daily lives.
- To teach reading of the Hadith.
Course books:
Sahih Al-Bukhari (Darussalam)
Reference Material:
An Introduction to the Science of Hadith by Darussalam.
The Prophet’s methods of correcting people’s mistakes by Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid
- المعلم: Farida Nazar Kardar

Starting: 22nd July 2024 | Ending: 26th May 2025
Days & Timings: Mondays | 3:30 pm - 5:15 pm (PKT)
Medium of Instruction: Urdu
Course Fee: PKR 2000 (Full Course)
- To equip students with the knowledge of Hadith.
- To inculcate love of Rasul Allah ﷺ and his Sunnahs.
- To inspire them to practice the Sunnah ways in daily life.
- To improve akhlaq and dealings with people in the light of hadith.
- To make them able enough to read the Hadith Text without errors.
- To encourage them for Dawa-e-Deen.
Course books:
Sahih Bukhari
- المعلم: Neelofer Jamil

Sahih Bukhari Course P-II (Kitab al-Wudu, Kitab al-Ghusl, Kitab al-Haiz, Kitab al-Tayammum)
Starting: 15th April 2024 | Ending: 1st July 2024
Days & Timings: Mondays | 3:30 pm - 5:15 pm (PKT)
Medium of Instruction:Urdu
Course Fee: PKR 1500 (Full Course)
- To equip students with the knowledge of Hadith.
- To inculcate love of Rasul Allah ﷺ and his Sunnahs.
- To inspire them to practice the Sunnah ways in daily life.
- To improve akhlaq and dealings with people in the light of hadith.
- To make them able enough to read the Hadith Text without errors.
Course book: Sahih Bukhari
Publisher: Maktaba-e-Islamia
- المعلم: Neelofer Jamil

Starting: 18th April 2024 | Ending: 10th October 2024
Days & Timings: Tuesday & Thursday | 11:00 am - 1:00 pm (PKT)
Medium of Instruction: English
Course Fee: PKR 2000 (Full Course)
- To develop in them the love and obedience of our beloved Prophet Mohammed ﷺ
- To provide them the knowledge of the authenticity of Sayings of our beloved Prophet Mohammed ﷺ
- To make them aware of the importance and necessity of Ahadith and get them acquainted with the correct and authentic books of Ahadith and teach them its proper usage.
- To make them able to read the Arabic text of Hadith and memorize some of them.
- To inculcate in them the importance and benefits of following the Prophet’s Sunnah
- To develop in them the habits and dealings of our beloved Messenger of Allah ﷺ
- To help them memorize the supplications of gaining knowledge
Course books:
1. Sahih Al-Bukhari Volume 1
2. Supplication of Knowledge
3. Qala Rasul Allah ﷺ
4. Muhammad ﷺ Habits and Dealings
Al-Huda Publications
- المعلم: Saira Riaz

Starting: 22nd January 2024 | Ending: 4th March 2024
Days & Timings: Mondays | 3:30 pm - 5:15 pm (PKT)
Medium of Instruction:Urdu
Course Fee: PKR 1000 (Full Course)
- To equip students with the knowledge of Hadith.
- To inculcate love of Rasul Allah ﷺ and his Sunnahs.
- To inspire them to practice the Sunnah ways in daily life.
- To improve akhlaq and dealings with people in the light of hadith.
- To make them able enough to read the Hadith Text without errors.
Course book: Sahih Bukhari
- المعلم: Neelofer Jamil

Starting: Monday, 18th September 2023 | Ending: 4th March 2024
Days & Timings: Mondays | 3:30 pm – 5:15 pm (PKT)
Course Fee: Rs. 1500 (One Time)
- To equip students with the knowledge of Hadith.
- To inculcate love of Rasul Allah ﷺ and his Sunnahs.
- To inspire them to practice the Sunnah ways in daily life.
- To improve akhlaq and dealings with people in the light of hadith.
- To make them able enough to read the Hadith Text without errors.
- To encourage them for Dawa-e- Deen.
- المعلم: Neelofer Jamil

Starting: 19th October 2023 | Ending: 13th June' 2024
Days & Timings: Thursdays | 11:00 am - 12:15 pm (PKT)
Medium of Instruction: Urdu
Course Fee: PKR 1500 (Full Course)
- احادیث کی روشنی میں آپﷺ کی حیات مبارکہ کا تعارف حاصل کرنا۔
- صحیح احادیث کی روشنی میں سنتوں پر عمل کرنا اور بدعات سے بچنا.
- احادیث کو پڑھنا،سمجھنا اور اپنی روز مرہ زندگی کے ذاتی اور اجتماعی معاملات اور ضروریات پر آگاہی حاصل کرنا-
- محبت و عقیدت میں اضافہ۔
- المعلم: Farida Nazar Kardar